Thursday, September 2, 2010

~endless friendships~

i would like to apologize for everything that i have ever done,
within or expressed,
you know that it was never in my heart to hurt you,
and when you are in frown and down,
i wish that i could be there for you,

i always been thinking,
how are we going to be
when its time to say goodbye?
*i wish we will never have to
i just........ don't want to lose you guys

i'm scared,
that when we go for holidays,
we cannot wait to go back to meet our friends,
imagine their faces, their laughters, and, and jokes

but.......... what if................

we got back and found out that they have gone forever?!
the friendship in you will burst into clusters of dust
will they still be here when we get back??
every memories we have done together,
it will only going to remain as memories
~and i'm sure, its an unforgettable ones~

You've been a true friend
I hope you stay
I would be so very empty
If you ever went away

of all the friends i've ever met, you are the one ill never forget,
and if i die, before you do,
ill go to heaven, and wait for you,
and even if i have to bring the angels their wings back,
risking the loss of everything,
just to prove that my friendship is true,
to have a friend like you!

i would you to know that
you are the best friend i have ever had

~wish we will have an endless friendship~


  1. selamat hari raya untuk anda. lupa saya kah?
    masih ingt raut wajah? susunan gigi? lenggok gelak? masih ingat semua nya??

    aidil.. nak mintak maaf semua salah silap. ada rezeki kita jumpa. ok?

  2. jgn tacing2, k...
    dont wory, we always be here...
