Monday, September 6, 2010

~uneasy feeling?

have you ever had an uneasy feeling ?

i am having those uneasy feeling lately..
i felt like death is upon me...
i dont know, maybe it is just a regular uneasy feeling of mine,
but, what if i was wrong?
maybe it really is a sign from Allah
just to get me ready(bertaubat and stop committing sins)
and ready for the after life in kubur..
sometimes i'm scared to do everything...
to travel is one thing..
watching all the accidents happened nowadays,
makes me feel very scared..
and, ive been posting 'touching' things lately...
that was a sign of my uneasy feeling...

yesterday, while teraweh, i have this feeling of making a will for my family
and i snapped out of that random thought of mine
i was like, "what is that for?? i dont need that.. as if like im going to die soon.."
then my inner thought came to voice out, "maybe you'll need it"
after that inner conversations,
i kept thinking............................
what and why
are these thoughts is in my head?!!

~im just scared~

well, you guys are responsible
to make sure that i'll stop doing anything wrong
and going to the right way

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